Product Developer
- Under direction of Product Development Manager, develop product specifications and coordinate all aspects of product development from concepts to product confirmation for assigned models.
- Provide input to the design process in areas related to cost, production, and functional componentry.
- Set up detailed development plans for assigned models using timelines with specific target dates to ensure samples are delivered to Merchandising department according to schedule. Provide continuous and detailed progress reports to Product Development Manager.
- Maintain close communication with the overseas development staff reviewing progress and resolving issues.
- Execute the different aspects on and review blue prints, 3D files, and other tech drawings to ensure accuracy and functionality of mold details. Able to review rapid prototype parts and models of molded components to help drive design integrity and functionality.
- Collaborate with Design and Merchandising groups identify materials, components and construction options for each project.
- Provides USA and Italy development team with up-to-date information on new materials, components, and procedures available in overseas factories.
- Maintains current files on all assigned models currently being developed or produced overseas. Model files contain sample request forms, latest specification sheet, specification change notices, blueprints, and other related information.
本公司广州市巍跋然胶业有限公司,系由一家意大利公司Vibram S.P.A投资成立的外资企业(简称Vibram 中国),于2005年8月18日注册成立,总投资额为美金1600万元,注册资本为美金640万元。公司的经营范围是:研究、开发、生产、销售橡胶、PU、TPU及类似材料制成品、提供相关商业咨询、技术咨询、经济信息咨询和售后服务;进出口、技术进出口及配套业务等。Vibram总公司的业务涵盖户外运动、工作、休闲、时尚、维修和矫形等鞋类市场。目前,Vibram集团年产鞋底超过3,500万双,每季度开发出150个新款式。Vibram大底供货给全球的1,000多家制鞋商,产品遍布全世界。为了满足Vibram集团在中国地区的战略需要即确保Vibram意大利公司的全球品牌声誉,从而维持Vibram意大利公司在产品品质与产品价格方面的竞争优势、同时依照Vibram集团最严格的技术标准来确保Vibram集团全球鞋底与五指鞋产品系列的开发、品质与性能,Vibram中国从2009年开始为包括Vibram美国在内的Vibram集团公司提供鞋底和模具的研究开发、品质控制、测试和鉴定的技术支持服务及提供鞋底和五指鞋的市场调研分析、供应商开发、材料采购、监督和协调产品的生产与交付、品质控制、物流服务等供应链管理服务。并签订了一系列相应的服务合同:1.<研究开发协议书》;2.《供应商开发和品质控制服务协议》;3.《五指鞋供应商开发和品质控制服务协议》。截至目前,公司很好的完成了总公司的各项服务外包工作,执行离岸合同金额约8000多万美元。确保了vibram SPA的全球品牌声誉,维持了Vibram SPA在产品品质与产品价格方面的竞争优势。
- 企业性质: 三资企业
- 业务范围: BPO,KPO
- 所属行业:外包服务
- 公司地址:广州市花都区新华街汽车城风神大道以南257号
- Product Developer2018-01-03