Trainer-Contact Centre
-Conducts briefing updates, promotions and other important information that he team needs to be aware of
-Identifying training and development needs within an organization through job analysis, appraisal schemes and regular consultation with supervisors and managers
-Designing and developing training and development programs based on both the organization’s and the individual's needs (modules, assessment tools, certification forms and facilitator guide)
-Devising individual learning plans
-Ensuring that statutory training requirements are met;
-Amending and revising programs as necessary, in order to adapt to the changes that occur in the work environment;
-Keeping up to date with developments in training by reading relevant journals, going to meetings and attending relevant courses;
-Other duties, tasks and projects as assigned at any time.
-Deliver new hire training on client product knowledge with emphasis on customer service and sales skills
-Supervises trainees/agents while in their training period
-Ensure that all trainees are actively engaged in the training process through the planning and implementation of activities and incentives
-Ensure that the Daily Training Summary (DTS) which consist of trainees’ data compilation, attendance report generation, and accompanying analyses are completed and provided to the Operations team and TQM immediately after training
-Partner with clients in curriculum design and modification. Develop associated supporting materials
-Conduct ongoing refresher and cross-training modules in critical areas as identified by the quality and operations teams
-Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by management
-Bachelor’s degree required.
-Must have a minimum of 2 years experience with proven success in a training delivery role in a contact centre environment where concise and accurate verbal communications as well as active listening were critical skills.
-Customer service oriented with good interpersonal skills
-Must have good working attitude and a good team player
-Flexible and diplomatic in handling customer complaints issues
-Must be willing to work on shifts and working on Public Holiday
-Good command of English and local dialect. Cantonese and Mandarin is an added advantage
-Trainer should have strong communication and customer service skills as well as advanced organization, time management, and analysis skills.
Note: 可以通过系统直接投简历;或者将您的简历包括薪酬期望值电邮至: gz.recruit@starcruises.com
云顶香港于一九九三年九月成立,是亚洲邮轮业的先驱,致力于将亚太地区发展成为国际邮轮航线目的。目前,丽星邮轮连同挪威邮轮为世界第三大邮轮公司,合共拥有18艘邮轮,航线遍及全球200多个目的地,提供约35000个标准床位。现时,云顶香港总部位于香港,并分别于世界各地超过20个地方设有办事处,包括澳洲、中国、印度、印尼、日本、韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、瑞典、台湾、泰国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、英国及美国。云顶香港仔香港联合交易所有限公司为注册上市公司,其股份亦在新加坡证券交易所有限公司的Global Quote买卖。
- 企业性质: 三资企业
- 业务范围: BPO
- 所属行业:
- 公司地址:广州市越秀区中山六路238号越秀新都会大厦西座1901-1907
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